College Life Podcast
The College Life Podcast is for the college student who wants to make a difference in the world - for those who know that they are meant to do something that matters, but aren’t sure what that is quite yet or how to make it happen. We interview current college students, recent graduates, and inspiring guests to share their stories and empower you to make college yours.

Monday Jan 28, 2019
EP 038: Purpose Series #2: Finding Your Ikigai in College
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Monday Jan 28, 2019
iki - means life
gai - means worth
Ikigai is the Japanese concept - reason for being
In this episode we talk about the 4 questions regarding to ask when searching for you ikigai.
What do you love?
What are you good at?
What can you be paid or rewarded for?
What does the world need?
FREE strengths inventory:
For more, check out the following books:
Strengthsfinder 2.0:
My top 5 strengths are Woo, Futuristic, Focus, Learner, and Activator
Book on Ikigai:
(There are several out there, but this is the one I have read!)
Message me on Instagram @thecollegelifecoach or email me at: to connect! I would love to hear what you get out of the podcast episodes and what else you want more of!

Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Purpose Series #1 with Bill Johnson
Take action and spend time doing things that YOU enjoy.
Ask yourself- What could I do with my life?
Failure is a huge part of life. It's ok to fail, and you will. Accept it.
If you go for your dreams, it might not work. But what is it does?
This is bigger than college - this is about your life.
Find a message that resonates with your soul, and share it with the world.
Find a person on campus or in your life who believes in you.
Connect with Bill on his blog: and look out for more details on the Life Design Institute.
Check out the following books mentioned in the podcast:
Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 days by Chris Guillebeau:
The Invisible Leader by Zach Mercurio:
Connect with me on Instagram @thecollegelifecoach

Monday Jan 14, 2019
EP 036: How to Make Friends in College
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Monday Jan 14, 2019
In this episode, we talk all about how to make friends in college. Sometimes, this can be challenging, but it is so important to learn how to do this in life! Here are a few ways to make friends:
-join a club or organization
-step outside of your comfort zone
-ask someone to hang out
-volunteer for an event or an organization
-say hi to people in class
-find things you enjoy doing
-be vulnerable
-say yes to things
-engage in shared experiences
-find people in your major
-find people with similar interests or goals
Try one of these this semester, and let me know how it goes. And remember IT TAKES TIME TO BUILD MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS. Keep trying and hang in there :)
Instagram @thecollegelifecoach

Monday Jan 07, 2019
EP 035: Four Steps to A Successful Semester
Monday Jan 07, 2019
Monday Jan 07, 2019
In this episode, we talk about 4 steps to a successful semester:
(1) Buy or create something visual that you will actually use.
(2) Write down EVERYTHING from each syllabus and the rest of your commitments.
(3) Create a habit and actually use it.
(4) Start early and get shit done. Do the thing.
Let me know what challenges you experience with time management, prioritization, and organization. Message me and just say hi! @thecollegelifecoach or email me at

Monday Dec 31, 2018
EP 034: New Year, New Semester: Better You, Better Student
Monday Dec 31, 2018
Monday Dec 31, 2018
In this episode, we reflect on 2018. We talk about successes, challenges, and what my goals are for 2019. I challenge you to create a plan to become a better you, and a better student this semester. What is one thing you could implement or change?
Don't forget to enter the giveaway on the post made December 20th on Instagram @thecollegelifecoach to win a Passion Planner!

Monday Dec 17, 2018
EP 033: End of Semester Reflections
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Monday Dec 17, 2018
In this episode, we talk about the end of the semester reflections - What went well? What didn't go so well? What do you want to do different next semester? What could you do to help you reach your long term goals?
Would love to hear what you reflect on!
Message me on Instagram @thecollegelifecoach

Monday Dec 10, 2018
EP 032: Taking A Semester Off from College: Things to Consider
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Thinking about taking time off from college? Listen to this episode for things you should consider!

Monday Dec 03, 2018
EP 031: Prepare for Finals like a Boss
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Monday Dec 03, 2018
In this episode, we talk about how to prepare for finals.
(1) Write down every final - the class, the date of the final, and the location
(2) Figure out what your grade is currently in the class.
(3) Figure out what you want to get.
(4) Write down what you will do now, until your final, to be and feel prepared.
(5) Find out if your final is cumulative (Chapters 1-15) or the last test (Chapters 11-14).
(6) What are you going to study (think lecture notes, chapters, journal articles, homework assignments, prior test)? How are you going to study (think self-testing strategies to find out if you actually know the material - not memorize)? When and where are you going to study (library, coffee shop, home)?
(7) Use your resources - office hours, tutoring, writing center, help sessions, study with friends
Let me know how you do on your finals: @thecollegelifecoach on Instagram

Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
In this episode, I interview a good friend Monika, who recently read the book, When Likes Aren't Enough, A Crash Course in the Science of Happiness, by Tim Bono. We talk about:
Social Media, and the false sense of connection that can happen, particularly in college
Being in the present moment, and all the challenges that come along with that
You will leave this episode with insight and practical suggestions on how to incorporate some of this in your every day life.
To purchase the book, When Likes Aren't Enough:
To check out the Cold Turkey app:
I mentioned the Earn Your Happy podcast by Lori Harder (I love this podcast and any episode is seriously awesome):
Let's connect on Instagram @thecollegelifecoach

Monday Nov 19, 2018
EP 029: Prioritize You This Week
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Monday Nov 19, 2018
This week is about prioritizing you and your self care. Do something you have been wanting to do, but have been putting off.
If you do something cool that really brings you joy or energizes you, take a picture and tag me on Instagram @thecollegelifecoach